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Read about recent developments in Oregon Seaweeds practices and plans for fresh dulse seaweed.


Go behind the scenes to see how the Oregon Seaweed team cultivates our fresh pacific dulse seaweed.

Is dulse the new kale?


Oregon Seaweed is farming dulse on the Oregon coast as a high-protein, carbon-absorbing vegetable. The company has two land-based farms in Garibaldi and Bandon.

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Culinary Uses for Dulse


The folks at Oregon State University’s Food Innovation Center have been cooking up their own food innovations with seaweed. They’re using a succulent red alga called dulse that grows wild on wave-swept shores of the north Atlantic and Pacific coasts. As a sea “vegetable,” dulse has been used for centuries in the local foods of Ireland, Iceland, and Scandinavia. It’s nutritious, fast growing, and, when it’s fried, they say it tastes like bacon.

Dulse: A great tasting seaweed


The folks at Oregon State University’s Food Innovation Center have been cooking up their own food innovations with seaweed. They’re using a succulent red alga called dulse that grows wild on wave-swept shores of the north Atlantic and Pacific coasts. As a sea “vegetable,” dulse has been used for centuries in the local foods of Ireland, Iceland, and Scandinavia. It’s nutritious, fast growing, and, when it’s fried, they say it tastes like bacon.

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Our Coast: Weekend · Arts & Entertainment Weekly

Bacon of the coast: Seaweed farm has big plans for the plant-based food industry

“Dulse seaweed could revolutionize the plant-based food industry…”

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The Oregonian

Is seaweed the new kale? This Oregon company hopes so.

“On an unusually sunny January day, the Port of Garibaldi was bustling with incoming hauls of Dungeness crab and fish. But there was another seafood, more unusual in these parts, swirling in 1,500-gallon tanks near the shoreline of Tillamook Bay. A few curious fishers peered over the top of the rows of 20 bubbling, open-air tubs. What’s in the tanks?” one woman asked. …”

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Salt, Storms, and Seafood Await in This Stretch of Pacific Northwest Coast

“Ocean waves echo into everyone’s business here.”

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It Tastes Like Bacon

December 2021

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